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A numismatic holiday tree


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Okay, my fellow numismatist friends, here’s my holiday tree. The greatest benefit I have gained from my study of ancient coinage are the many good friends it has brought into my life. Blessings of the season to you all. From top to bottom, they are:

M. Tiberius. AR half siliqua, Carthage. Sear 551. Appropriate reverse message: + SALVS MVNDI.

Constantine XI, 2 Eighth Stavrata. Sear –

John VII, as Regent. 2 Half Stavrata. Sear 2562; Manuel II. Half stavraton. Sear 2552.

John V. 3 Stavrata. Sear 2510.

Manuel II. 4 Stavrata. Sear 2548 (1); Sear 2549 (3)

John VIII. 2 stavrata. Sear 2564

Silver tree 01.JPG

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