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Top 10 coins for under 10EUR


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I have seen wonderful and expensive coins being shown in people's year's end tops and I have seen very nice bargains. But what I am proposing is an extreme bargain thread, very fitting for the time being. These are not junk, culls or extremely common types in less than mediocre condition. All coins are attributable and have, if not downright beauty, at least a very big reserve of residual interest. 

PS: This is final price, coin delivered.

So in no particular order:

1. 9EUR

AE27x26mm 9.45g, billon follis/nummus, minted at Carthago, first group, 3rd issue, cca. 297.
IMP MAXIMIANVS PF AVG; laureate head right
FELIX ADVENT AVGG NN; Africa standing facing, head l. in long drapery, with elephant skin head-dress, r. hand holding standard, left hand holding tusk, at her feet in l. field lion with captured bull; B in left field.
RIC VI Carthago 21b, C


Notes: The type honors the arrival of Maximianus in Africa in 296 or 297 to make war with the Moorish tribes of the 'Quinquegentiani' who had been raiding on the Roman limes. The emperor established his headquarters at Carthago and started minting there to finance his campaign. The coinage types were completely different in design from the regular folles of the era, using a lot of local imagery and special legends for both the expectation of the Augusts at Carthago (Adventus) and the joy and honor that the emperor's stay at Carthago brought upon the city (Salus). This specimen is from the Adventus phase of the coinage, which is probably minted soon before or soon after the emperor's arrival.


2. 8EUR

GALLIENUS (253-268)
AE22mm 3.37g, billon antoninian, Samosata mint, third issue spring-summer 260.
IMP C P LIC GALLIENVS PF AVG; radiate, draped cuirassed bust right seen from back
VICTORIA AVG; in left field standing right holding spear receiving wreath from Victory.
dot in exergue
cf. RIC V 450, Gobl (MIR) 1702, cf. Gallienus Antoniniani p. 372


Notes: This is an unlisted variation from the third issue at Samosata, without any field mark but with an officina mark in the exergue (first officina). It was likely minted in the spring or early summer of 260, after the battle of Edessa, where the Roman army was crushed and Valerian was taken captive by the Persians. Thus it is a sole reign issue for Gallienus, but minted by Fulvius Macrianus, who had remained behind at Samosata to serve as Comes Sacrarum Largitionum. Soon after minting this type recognizing Gallienus as sole emperor, Fulvius Macrianus with the support of what was left of the Roman army commaned by Balista and possibly Odaenathus of Palmyra, rebelled against the emperor and proclaimed his two sons Macrianus Iunior and Quietus as Augusti, so this emission of antoniniani in the name of Gallienus was cut short to set up the new types for the two usurpers. This minor variation with mintmark, no other emission marks and naming Gallienus as sole emperor is proof that for a brief period after the disaster at Edessa, Fulvius Macrianus in charge of the Imperial treasury in the East did recognize Gallienus as rightful sole emperor, before deciding to rebel and start a civil war.



3. 8EUR

AE4 15mm 1.65g, reduced follis/nummus, minted at Cyzicus, perhaps late 337 to early 338.
CONSTAN - TINVS PF AVG; laureate head right
GLOR - IA EXERCITVS*; Soldiers with one standard between them.
SMKΔ in exergue
cf. RIC VIII Cyzicus 29, R


Notes: This specimen is unlisted for ruler (Constantine II) for this issue, which was likely very brief, either in late 337 or early 338. RIC VIII p. 491 only notes this emission with GLOR - IA EXERC - ITVS* only for Constans. Note also that this specimen has EXERCITVS unbroken, possibly due to lack of die space. Unrecorded in Nummus Bible either.



4. 5EUR

CARACALLA as Augustus (198-217)
AE22x21mm 4.65g orichalcum (brass) assarion, minted at Phigalia, ca. 198-209.
...ANTONINOC; bare-headed draped and cuirassed bust r. seen from back
ΦI - A - ΛΕΩN; Athena standing facing, head turned left, wearing Corinthian helmet with plume, holding spear in left hand and possibly small Nike or patera in right hand
cf. BCD Peloponnesos 1656.1


Notes: Phigalia in Arcadia (Peloponnesos) is a very scarce occurence in the 'provincial' coinage, with this type being very rare. It's also a variation of the reference type, showing the Imperial effigy bare-headed instead of laureate.

The rarity of provincial coinage in Greece makes these scarce specimens well desired by collectors. Similar specimens, closest to this one here and here (possibly reverse die-match).



5. 5EUR

GORDIAN III (238-244)
AE27x25 9.75g copper multiple, minted at Tripolis ca. 238-244.
ΑVΤ ' Κ Μ ΑΝΤ ' ΓΟΡΔΙΑΝΟ - C, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust to right seen from back
ΤΡ - ΙΠΟΛ - Є - ΙΤΩΝ, Tyche standing to left, holding rudder and cornucopiae.
RPC VII.1 741, GPRC Lydia 156


Notes: Tripolis in Lydia is a scarce mint and the condition with this coin, especially the patina, is nice.



6. 7EUR

ANTONINUS PIUS (138-161)AE19 4.92g copper unit, minted at Germe ca. 139-146.
AVTO ANTONINO; bare head r. in truncation
[ΓEΡΜ] - ΗΝΩΝ; Apollo standing, facing, head, l., holding patera and lyre
RPC IV.2 638


Notes: An early issue for Antoninus Pius with a bare-headed effigy. The module and the Imperial representation is similar to the early 'provincial' Imperial coinage minted at Istros around 140. Perhaps there is a connection there to be researched further.



7. 7EUR

Starting with the reign of ROBERT de COURTENAY (1221-1228)
AE27mm, 3.8g, mid period large module trachy, minted at Constantinople, starting with 1222-1224.
IC - XC; Christ Pantokrator standing facing on daïs.
Iω / ΔЄC / Π / ΠOP / ΦVP / Γ;
Emperor standing facing, holding labarum and globus cruciger.
Malloy 15, Sear 2035, Hendy Type O.

Notes: According to the hoard sequences offered by R. Glanfield, this type was minted in large module only to be used in the area in and around Constantinople starting with cca 1222-1224. This type has been associated with the reign of Jean de Brienne, but the hoard evidence suggests it had been put into circulation earlier during the 1220s.

Another theory, although presently not as popular, was proposed by D. M. Metcalf (The Peter and Paul Hoard: Bulgarian and Latin Imitative Trachea in the Time of Ivan Asen II, NC Vol. 13 (1973) pp. 144-172) linking these later types (from D to U cf. Hendy) to the second part of the reign of Ivan Asen II and the eastern part of Thrace and Bulgaria, possibly minted in the 1230s at Veroe (Stara Zagora).



8. almost 10EUR

THEODOSIUS I (379-395)
AE3 18mm 2.50g reduced centenionalis, minted at Antioch, cca. 379(?)
DN THEODO - SIVS PF AVG; rosette-diademed draped cuirassed bust r.
CONCOR - DIA AVGGG; Constantinopolis turreted seated front, head right, holding sceptre in right hand, left hand resting on knee; θ in left field, φ in right field.
ANTΓ in exergue
RIC IX Antioch 44b, S


Notes: This type is probably the first of the CONCORDIA AVGGG series, introduced soon after the elevation of Theodosius as Augustus in the East. RIC X p. 284 notes it as the earliest and identifies the reverse figure as Constantinople, but it could also be the Tyche of Antioch, suited considering both: 1. the coinage is minted in Antioch and 2. it fits with Theodosius attitude of independence in the East.

Its also worth noting that this coinage has a particularly fine engraving style, almost mirroring the gold issues of the day.



9. almost 10EUR

AE24mm 8.36g orichalcum (brass) triassaria, minted at Pautalia, ca. 147.
Μ ΑVΡΗΛΙΟϹ ΟVΗΡΟϹ ΚΑΙϹ; bare head of Marcus Aurelius (short beard), r.
ΠΑVΤΑΛΙΑC - river-god (Strymon, bearded) reclining, l., holding ears of corn and long reed; resting on rock; ΟVΛΠΙΑC in exergue.
RPC IV.1 3933 (temporary); not in Ruzicka Pautalia


Notes: Particularly rare bust variation for this series at Pautalia (bare head in truncation). RPC notes another specimen but it is not that clear if it's the same variation, as the coin they record seems to have been tooled, and it might have been the more common bare-headed bust (including part of the upper torso). This specimen is heavily circulated but completely attributable and might date to the early period of Aurelius's Imperium, alongside Antoninus Pius. In Imperial coinage, this effigy with short beard and bare head is present to around 147. Considering the delay in representations possible (although not mandatory), Pautalia might have struck this orichalcum coinage until ca. 150.


10. almost 10EUR

Civic issue
AE17 3.57g copper unit, minted at Perga ca. 50-30BC.
Cult statue of Artemis Pergaia facing inside distyle temple
APTEMIΔOΣ / ΠEPΓAIAΣ; quiver between
SNG France 3, 373-378; SNG Pfalz 221-223


Notes: This coinage seems to be an autonomuos civic issue of Perga, but by this time, the area was already de facto under Roman control. So this coinage should in fact go between the Greek autonomous era and the "provincial" coinage under Roman rule.

Edited by seth77
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Straton I 1/16 Shekel, Sidon. 0.8g $10, Zurquieh 

This was an impulse throw-in because I like the punching lion.

I don't have a lot of sub $10 coins this year.  I put in a couple of orders from olddirtycoins. They ranged from dreck to cool.  The cool ones were uncleaned SPanish 17th c. AE.  A couple of the $7 Roman provincials were cool.  The Augustus Antioch provincial As was fairly decent.

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Quite some bargains there for both of you.

This year I only got 2 coins under 10 euros (hammer price) - 5 euros each.


Maximinus II Daia. A.D. 309-313. Antioch Æ follis 6.14gr

AD 310-311

IMP C GAL VAL MAXIMINVS P F AVG, head of Maximinus Daia, laureate, right / GENIO EX-ERCITVS, Genius, wearing modius, nude, chlamys draped over left shoulder, standing left, pouring liquid from patera in right hand and holding cornucopiae in left hand

RIC VI Antioch 147c



PHRYGIA. Apameia. Pseudo-autonomous issue. Assarion. 4.57g 18mm. Time of the Severans, 193-235. ΔHMOC, Bearded and draped bust of the Demos to right / AΠAMЄΩN, Marsyas advancing right, playing double flute (aulos). Leypold, Vol. II, p. 30, 1441; Martin, Demos Vol. 2, p. 158, Apameia 22; SNG Copenhagen 200.


I find the second a very interesting coin and it was close to get a place in my Top 10 for its category.

Edited by ambr0zie
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  • 3 months later...

Not under 10 dollars, but under 25 dollars: I bought the coin below for 22 dollars in auction.


Rev.: GLORIA ROMANORVM - SMNA in exergue

Mint: Nicomedia

Date: AD 379 - 395

Measurements: 4.40 g, 22 mm

 RIC 46


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^Nice coins! Bargains are still to be had. It's fun to score a nice coin for less than a fast-food meal. 😉 

These were all under $6 delivered. Part of a couple group lots I bought a year or two ago:





This one cost under $20 delivered, and about half of that was shipping from overseas:


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On 12/20/2022 at 1:04 PM, seth77 said:

7. 7EUR

Starting with the reign of ROBERT de COURTENAY (1221-1228)
AE27mm, 3.8g, mid period large module trachy, minted at Constantinople, starting with 1222-1224.
IC - XC; Christ Pantokrator standing facing on daïs.
Iω / ΔЄC / Π / ΠOP / ΦVP / Γ;
Emperor standing facing, holding labarum and globus cruciger.
Malloy 15, Sear 2035, Hendy Type O.

Notes: According to the hoard sequences offered by R. Glanfield, this type was minted in large module only to be used in the area in and around Constantinople starting with cca 1222-1224. This type has been associated with the reign of Jean de Brienne, but the hoard evidence suggests it had been put into circulation earlier during the 1220s.

Another theory, although presently not as popular, was proposed by D. M. Metcalf (The Peter and Paul Hoard: Bulgarian and Latin Imitative Trachea in the Time of Ivan Asen II, NC Vol. 13 (1973) pp. 144-172) linking these later types (from D to U cf. Hendy) to the second part of the reign of Ivan Asen II and the eastern part of Thrace and Bulgaria, possibly minted in the 1230s at Veroe (Stara Zagora).

Many thanks, @seth77, for your illuminating discussion of the nuances (and uncertainties) involved in dating Franco-Byzantine trachea.  ...It's easy to get nostalgic about the prices for LRBs, going back to the '70's.

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  • 3 months later...

Elymais coins often go pretty cheap this one with Orodes II I got for $6 and the I got the Chach principality coin with an unknown ruler for the starting bid of $3. Chach is ancient Uzbekistan. Not much demand for coins of unknown kingdoms.





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