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Top 10 Provincials for 2022


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All Æ provincials this year. 

My favorite is the assarion from Tegea.



Phrygia, Prymnessus. Pseudo-autonomous Æ28. Time of the Antonines.

Obv: ΔΗΜΟС, Laureate head of Boule right.
Rev: ΠΡVΜΝΗСCЄΩΝ, Dikaiosyne standing left, holding scales and grain ears.
RPC IV.2, 3353



Pisidia, Baris. Severus Alexander AE20.

Obv: AYT K M AY CE AΛEXANΔΡOC CE, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right.
Rev: BAΡHNΩN, Dionysos standing left, holding kantharos and thyrsos, panther at foot left.
RPC VI, 5855 (temporary)



Lydia, Tripolis. AE15. Semi-autonomous. AD 14-37.

Obv: TΡIΠOΛEITΩN, laureate head of Apollo right, with lyre.
Rev: MENANΔΡOΣ ΦIΛO KAIΣAΡ TO Δ, four lines within wreath, Maeander pattern below.
Magistrate Menandros.




Bithynia, Nicaea. Valerian (253-260). AE26

Obv: ΠΟV ΛΙΚ ΟVΑΛΕΡΙΑΝΟC CEB / Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust left, raising hand and holding eagle-tipped sceptre over shoulder.
Rev: NIKAIEΩN / Gallienus and Valerian I facing each other in military dress, clasping hands and each holding a spear; Valerian II, togate, standing left, holding patera.
Cf. SNG Copenhagen 536.



Lydia, Sardis. Pseudo-autonomous. Time of Trajan (98-117).

Obv: СΑΡΔΙΑΝΩΝ. Draped bust of Dionysus right, wearing ivy wreath.
Rev: СΤΡ ΛΟ ΙΟ ΛΙΒΩΝΙΑΝΟΥ. Filleted thyrsus; bee to right.
Ae. 2.3g 15.4mm
Libonianus, strategos.



Achaea. Arcadia, Tegea. Caracalla Æ22

Obv: Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Caracalla to right.
Rev: TEGE ATΩN, Pan standing left, on goat legs, holding syrinx and lagobolon.



Domitian, AE19 of Irenopolis, Cilicia.

Obv: KAICAΡ ΔOMITIANOC, laureate head right.

Rev: Nemesis, winged, standing right, holding caduceus, wheel at feet. 




Pisidia, Isinda. AE19. Pseudo-autonomous, 2nd-3rd c.

Obv: Diademed head of Zeus right.
Rev: ICINΔЄΩN. Warrior riding horse right, thrusting spear at serpent to lower right.




Phrygia, Laodicea ad Lycum. Æ16. Pseudo-autonomous issue, time of the Severans, AD 193-235.

Obv: ΔΗΜΟϹ, diademed head of the Demos to right.
Rev: ΛΑΟΔΙΚЄΩΝ, river Lykos as wolf seated to right, with paw resting on inverted vase out of which flows water.




Phrygia, Hyrgaleis. Æ24 semi-autonomous issue, ca AD 198-235.

Obv: IEΡA BOYΛH, veiled and draped bust of Boule right.
Rev: YΡΓAΛΛEΩN MAIANΔΡOC, river-god Maeander reclining left, holding reed and cornucopiae, and resting on vase from which water flows.



And here's a top 24


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Great additions! Your first coin jumps out, great portrait. Though I'm also curious about a coin in your larger group, digital tray. Third row, second from the right, with on the reverse two figures standing on a platform. That looks like a great coin too, whose is it? 

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7 hours ago, Limes said:

Great additions! Your first coin jumps out, great portrait. Though I'm also curious about a coin in your larger group, digital tray. Third row, second from the right, with on the reverse two figures standing on a platform. That looks like a great coin too, whose is it? 

Thank you Limes! It's an AE28 of Claudius from Philippi with statues of Julius Caesar and Augustus. I have yet to take a picture that does it justice which is why it was not in my top 10. The revese has a similar jade color as the obverse.


Edited by AncientOne
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