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Roman Provincial Coinage VII.2

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The release of this new volume is covering the period between Gordian I of Africa and Gordian III, which is a very short period (238-244) and for the whole of Roman world outside Asia, which has already been the subject of a first volume (VII. 1) published in 2006 and still available today so volume VII is now complete. This work is published jointly by the British Museum and the National Library of France, but currently it can only be obtained from the British distributor Spink or from professionals such as CGB. This volume, for the period concerned, comes in two volumes (red cover for the period) together in a box. It is co-written by Jérôme Mairat and Marguerite Spoerri Butcher (already author of RPC VII. 1) with contributions from M. Amandry, R. Bland, K. Butcher, J. Nurpet-laian et U. Peter.

Both volumes weigh over ten pounds, were printed in China and whose print run does not exceed 500 copies, which explains why they are very quickly sold out or reprinted twice consecutively for the first volume of the series. The book contains 252 black and white photographic plates, of much better quality than for the Roman Imperial Coinage (RIC II. 3, dedicated to Hadrian) for coins that are often rough and badly minted. These plates of course include the 3,895 entries in the catalog and make the book an essential tool for identification for those who are interested in provincial coinage or want to engage in a more in-depth study of coinage. 

Do not forget, in paper version are published today volumes I, supplement I, Volume II, III, VII.1 and IX without forgetting volume VII.2 today. Volume II devoted to the coinage of the Flavian dynasty is currently out of print (sorry @David Atherton and @Jay GT4!)


Edited by Ocatarinetabellatchitchix
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I have all the volumes that are in print of the RPC. They are an extremely useful resource especially as prior to their publication there was not a lot out there, I did pick up the RPC 7.2  I got it from the BnF. I was in Paris a few weeks ago and had organized the purchase of the book from them. The morning after I arrived I left my hotel which was near the Gare de l'Est  and walked to the BnF. It was an easy walk as my route was basically to walk down the Rue La Fayette. However I was very surprised by the size and weight of the two volumes. As soon as I saw the books I realized there was no way I was going to cart the whole thing back to my hotel. (I had picked up two other books from CGB.) Later in the day I hailed a cab back to my hotel. It really added a lot of weight to my carry on luggage and there were times when I was trying to put the suitcase it was in on to an overhead bin that i wondered about the wisdom of what I was doing. But it is home now and all is forgotten ( well most) 

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