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Andrew McCabe

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Andrew McCabe last won the day on May 18

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  1. Current status of my forever project VID-20240510-WA0032.mp4
  2. I'm sad to find so much push-back against the increasing importance of collecting provenanced coin and / or coins with old collection toning, and I'm surprised to find so little common understanding of issues around hoards, import and export controls and how these need to shape our collecting decisions today. I realise from replies to this thread that few people are aligned with me. For the moment it seems best that I press pause and resume instead conversing with those I know in life beyond the internet. Everything that I have showed in the last two weeks is permanently available on my Flickr site Along with 10,000 photos of mine and much information on provenances, museums etc. I think it's best that's where my coin photos and information continues to reside
  3. just want to alert peeps that the coin below seems to have been holed and plugged. I wrote to the seller a few days ago to point out that you can see the matching repair marks at 11:30pm on the Pharos side and 6:30pm on the Scylla side, at the same location, different metal, evidence of scrapes cleaning up where the hole was plugged etc., they acknowledged receipt of message but have not responded to the content nor changed the listing. So, am now posting online. No need to know where it is listed, just that it looks like a classic holed and plugged repair.
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