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Pinned Threads?


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I really think a failure @ CoinTalk (and others) is the lack of pinned threads. 

-A NEWBY FAQ thread, with recommended resources, sellers, etc and other aids to help new people who may be interested in our hobby. 

-Preferred buyers thread... share some positive feedback from sellers that have treated you well. 

-Fake Sellers thread... yes many count on Forvm's list .. include that link but share new info.


I am sure there may be other topics but on CoinTalk we repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat the same answers to new collectors..

Why not make it easier for them? Without new collectors our hobby dies on the vine.


Admin to choose of course.. but take care of new people!

Make this site an open forum to share our experience with everyone - not just the clique.... GROW, GROW, GROW

Don't navel gaze like other sites.


Edited by Constantivs
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Totally agree with this - it would be extremely useful and help a lot of beginners to not lose interest. This idea of a more open forum is one I really support too - there are too many that don't encourage new members and beginners which could be quite a big problem.

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