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My entire collection is now online!


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While I intend this to be a never-ending project, my website containing my entire collection is now online!


From the front page, scroll down to view the individual collections. You can also use the navigation in the upper right, though some of my smaller collections aren't listed there.

This has been an incredible project, involving photographing every coin in my collection and writing roughly 500 descriptions. The website contains not only my People and Cities collections that I'm most proud of, but also the other coins I've accumulated on the way. Altogether it represents over a year of work.

My goal is to use this as a base to provide more info about many of these cities, people, and coinage. By organizing my coins in this manner, I can improve the information gradually. You'll probably notice that some pages have more details than others, and that's something I intend to slowly rectify as I learn more. Since the site is now completely automated - meaning as I add coins to my collection I only need to click 'publish' and the website is updated - I'll be able to keep this one up to date far easier than the previous one.

Suggestions for improvements are always appreciated. I have taken note already that the timelines are a bit awkward. I'll experiment a bit more with what works there.

There are other features I eventually want to add, but for now I'm going to take some well-deserved rest and resume work on my novels.

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A very nice website @kirispupis, and I can relate to your story of the collection that started from one event of interest and started to spread....Congrats on the online collection.  I especially like the way you did the coin map.

Edited by Sulla80
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Very good testimony of your hobby. Congratulations. 

I also have this thought, since I catalogued my collection (this was a large project, as I wanted to take personal pictures of ALL my coins and make the descriptions uniform) and printed a book that looks better than I expected. A website wouldn't hurt at all. 

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14 minutes ago, ambr0zie said:

I also have this thought, since I catalogued my collection (this was a large project, as I wanted to take personal pictures of ALL my coins and make the descriptions uniform) and printed a book that looks better than I expected. A website wouldn't hurt at all. 

Eventually I would also like to print a book, perhaps if I can manage to complete my People collection or nearly complete my Cities collection. I would then place it somewhere others could order it. I'd list it at my printing costs, because the real goal wouldn't be to make whatever trivial amount from the ten or so people interested, but instead to instantly make every coin a Plate Coin!

Of course, before that happens I need to improve my photos. That's also a goal for this year, but I chose to go ahead with the website before I perfected that. Later this year I'll revisit my setup and re-photograph the worst suffering coins.

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