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A coin from a city named by Seleucus I


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Most often on Numisforums, when someone references Antioch, they are referring to Antioch on the Orontes.  The ancient city was on the far, southeastern edge of modern Turkey near themodern city of Antakya. (Antakya was named for the ancient city Antiochia).

Antioch on Orontes was named after Seleucus I's father, Antiochus.  As Appian reminds us, Seleucus I named more than one city, and wasn't too creative in his naming scheme.

"He (Seleucus) built cities throughout the entire length of his dominions and named sixteen of them Antioch after his father, five Laodicea after his mother, nine after himself, and four after his wives, that is, three Apamea and one Stratonicea."
-Appian, Syrian Wars, 9.57

This coin from a different Antioch - also named by Seleucus I for his father.

Caria, Antioch ad Mæándrum, circa 90/89-65/60 BC, AR Tetradrachm (28 mm, 16.13g, 11h), Diotrephes (ΔIOTPЄΦΗΣ), magistrate for the third time (TO TPITON).
Obv: Laureate head of Apollo to right with bow and quiver over his shoulder
Rev: ANTIOXЄΩN - ΔIOTPЄΦΗΣ / TO TPITON Zebu bull standing left, head facing; all within maeander pattern border
Ref: Thonemann (2019) Group A, 2 (O3/R6)

I've posted by notes on this coin:
Figs, Sophists and Sulla, https://www.sullacoins.com/post/figs-sophists-and-sulla

Post any coin from a city that Seleucus I named after his father, his mother, himself, or his wives (or anything else the you find interesting or entertaining).

Edited by Sulla80
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The Parthians conquered much of the former Seleucid territory, and at least one of the cities named by Seleucus I, Laodicea in Media, issued coins under the Parthians.  (The city, renamed Nihavand, is still inhabited and is in Hamadan Province, Iran.)  Here's a Laodicea drachm of Orodes II (57-38 BCE):


And one from Phraates IV (38-2 BCE):



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17 hours ago, Sulla80 said:

Post any coin from a city that Seleucus I named after his father, his mother, himself, or his wives

Here are two Laodiceas

 Laodicea ad Lycum


Phrygia, Laodicea
Æ 19mm
Obv: ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ. Bare head right.
Rev: ΔIOΣKOVPIΔHS TO ΔEVTEPON - ΛΑΟΔΙΚЄΩΝ, Zeus Laodikeos standing left, holding eagle and sceptre? Control monogram PK right.
Æ, 19mm, 6.51g
RPC 2911, SNG Copenhagen 549, BMC 143.


Laodicea ad Mare



Macrinus, AD 217-218
Syria, Laodicea ad Mare
Billon tetradrachm
Obv.: AYT K M OΠ CEOY MAKPEINOC CE, Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right
Rev.: ΔHMAPX EΞ YΠA TO C ΠΠ, eagle standing with wings spread, head left, wreath in beak, star below
Billlon, 11.99g, 25mm
Ref.: Prieur 1183


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Here are four Seleukeias.

This one was minted at Seleukeia Pieria and is among the earliest of coins from there.


Syria, Seleukeia. Municipal coinage under Seleukos I
312 - 280 BCE
AE 12mm 1,9g
Laureate head of Zeus right /
ΣE-ΛE; winged thunderbolt, monogram EP.
not in known references, cf. Hoover 1391


This is a rare example from when Tralleis was renamed as Seleukeia.


Lydia, Tralleis (as Seleukeia)
3rd century BCE
AE 12 mm, 1.44 g, 11 h
Laureate head of Zeus to right.
Rev. ΣΕΛΕΥΚΕ / [....]ΕΣΙ[...] Zebu bull standing left; below, H; all within maeander pattern.
GRPC Lydia -



Seleukid Empire, Antiochos I Soter AR Tetradrachm
Seleukeia on the Tigris, 281-261 BC
Diademed head to right / Apollo Delphios seated to left on omphalos, testing arrow and resting left hand on grounded bow; ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ to right, ΑΝΤΙΟΧΟΥ to left, monogram to outer left and right.
SC 379.5a; HGC 9, 128g. 16.80g, 29mm, 3h.



Kings of Elymais, Kamnaskires III, with Anzaze
Seleukeia on the Hedyphon
dated SE 233 = 80/79 BCE
AR Tetradrachm 15.89g, 27mm, 12h
Conjoined busts of Kamnaskires and Queen Anzaze to left; Seleukid anchor terminating in monogram behind
Zeus seated to left, holding sceptre and Nike, who crowns him; IΛCIΛEΩ[C] [KΛ]MNΛCKIIOY [...]IΛCIΛHHIH ANZAZH around, [MAK]EΔ[ΩN] to inner left, ГΛΣ (sic, date) in exergue.
Van't Haaff Type 7.1.1-1-2 (date unlisted); Alram 454 (date unlisted); Roma E-103, 597 (same dies); Sunrise -; DCA 518.


Here is one of the Apameias.


Seleukid Kings of Syria: Seleukos I Nikator
Apameia on the Axios
circa 300-281 BCE
AE 20 mm, 7.69g
Obv: Elephant standing right
Rev. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΣΕΛΕΥΚΟΥ Horned and bridled horse's head to left; below, anchor to left.
HGC 9, 79. SC 35. WSM 1128


And a Stratonikeia


Caria, Stratonikeia
Circa 3rd century BCE
Æ 12mm 1,82g
Diademed head of Herakles right /
Lion skin set on club; CTPATONIKEIΩN around
Apparently unpublished


Here's when Kebren was temporarily renamed as Antiocheia.


Troas, Kebren (as Antiocheia)
Circa 281-261 BCE
AE 17 mm, 3.62 g, 3 h
 B-K Laureate head of Apollo to right.
Rev. ΑΝΤΙΟ-XEΩΝ Head of a ram to right; behind, club.
SNG Copenhagen 272-3. SNG von Aulock -


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Here's an Antioch (ad Cragum) you don't see every day.


Cilicia, Antiocheia ad Cragum. Valerian AE32

Region: Cilicia Locality: Mint: Antiocheia ad Cragum
Material: AE Denom.:
Weight: 10.3 Size: 32
Date: 253 / 260
Category: Person: Valerian I
ObvType: Valerian bust r.
RevType: eagle
SNG von Aulock 5530; SNG Levante 478

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