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ANSWERED Info needed for this coin. Kings of Thrace, Lysimachos


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I snagged this quite cheap at an auction purely because of the reverse. I can´t find much about this issue so am appealing to Greek issue knowledgeable collectors to give me some avenues for reading about this type. The seller had it listed as 76, but it seems clearly to be Mueller 74 with that monogram.

Lysimachos, Kingdom of Thrace, AE 20mm, 5.20 gr. Generous flan. Lysimachia mint. 305-281 BC. Helmeted head of Athena right / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, above and beneath lion leaping right, spearhead and M on O monogram below. Mueller 74.



20230925_141302 (2)-side.jpg

Edited by expat
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After checking in acsearch for this coin details and term spearhead (and not having access to Mueller catalogue) it seems 76 has these symbols under lion 


I think you have MO monogram and spearhead 


which is 82 - https://www.acsearch.info/search.html?id=5754192

But I know that sometimes auction houses paste the descriptions from similar coins without paying much attention. If I had your coin in my collection, I would list it as Mueller 82 but for my own peace of mind, I would try obtaining a copy of the Mueller catalogue. When I put a description in my collection and I do not have access to the actual catalogue, I try to find at least 3 examples, that are not copy/pasted from the same source. 


Mine appears to be a 76


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Check with Dane Kurth from wildwinds, she is an expert and also a friendly person. 

This is why I mentioned to make sure you either have the catalogue in hand OR at least 3 coins described on acsearch, but different sources. 

82 has a single result. 74 has more but still unsure. 

Edited by ambr0zie
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6 hours ago, ambr0zie said:

Check with Dane Kurth from wildwinds, she is an expert and also a friendly person. 

This is why I mentioned to make sure you either have the catalogue in hand OR at least 3 coins described on acsearch, but different sources. 

82 has a single result. 74 has more but still unsure. 

I sent an e-mail asking the question. I will post the reply when I receive one.

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I have some good news for you, @expat

I found the Mueller catalogue, legally and free. 


You will find the coin on page 104 on the PDF where Mueller provided the types. 


The symbols under the lion were written by the author from right to left - so 71 is K under the lion, left and spearhead right (not sure why he used this method in describing the coins). The line means it's the same symbol like the coin above it.

He used Latin - "ante figuram" - before the figure; "in medili" - in the middle; "in imo" - at the bottom 

Your coin has MO monogram and spearhead (or spearhead and monogram like Mueller described it) so, you were correct (and now without doubt) - 74.

Mine is 76 - appears to be a more common variety. 

I was never interested in the varieties of this type because mine was described as Mueller 76 in many, many auctions so never studied it carefully or doubted the attribution (but it was correct) 

The one I found attributed as 82 https://www.acsearch.info/search.html?id=5754192


is also a 74. 


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