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The Colchester Urn, Another Look

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This famous burial urn was discovered in 1853 in Colchester, Britain, known in Roman times as Camulodunum, & held the burial remains of a man in his 40s. For the longest time it was thought that this finely crafted treasure must have been made in continental Europe, however, a closer examination has determined that the urn was made from British clay, circa AD 160-200. The urn has three different scenes sculpted on it's surface with the photo below depicting two gladiators in combat. The shield of the gladiator depicted in the photo has a swastika on it, possibly indicating he is Germanic. The recent findings published in an article by LIVE SCIENCE, can be seen on the link below. 



Colchester Burial Urn, c. AD 160-200. 9 in. tall, weight over 2.2 pounds. Photo courtesy of Carole Raddato.

A special exhibition on gladiators will be held at Colchester Castle on July 15th of this year, & the urn will be on display there. See the link below.



Website members are welcome to post anything related to gladiators or ancient Britain, especially the city of Camulodunum ☺️.




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