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My Baltimore Whitman Fall 2022 show recap and haul: No, I don't have an addiction to old bronze


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I attended the Fall 2022 Baltimore Whitman show today. Usually I go on the Friday, but this year I have work obligations on Friday so I attended today (Thursday, opening day) instead. I arrived about 12:30 (half an hour after the doors opened to the general public) and began my rounds. As always, I focused on the Ancients and World dealers. This year I decided to set a fixed budget for the show, so I brought along just a certain amount of cash and left my checkbook at home. I didn't end up with any truly spectacular coins, but I did get a number of pleasant and interesting pieces, including quite a few that will require further research on my part. The show seemed fairly busy to me, with most dealers having at least one customer at any given time. Random overheard bit of conversation: "The Iranians aren't buying anything anymore." Make of that what you will. I ended my show experience at 3:30, when my cash ran out, having spent 3 hours on the bourse floor with just one brief bathroom break. I took some quick photos of my haul- the quality of photos isn't very good, I promise better photos when I do my full write-ups at some later time.

First are two coin purchases from Aristos Numismatics (a Kushano-Sasanian coin and one from the Yausheya Republic) and four coins from Allen G. Berman: two Sasanian silver drachms, a 17th century Spanish piece, and a small Parthian bronze featuring a grain ear on the reverse.

Next up are five coins from Tamco Numismatics: A very thick Mughal bronze of Akbar, silver coin of the Palas in northern India, a very small early Kushan(?) bronze, another Kushano Sasanian, and finally a silver hemidrachm of Elymais. (Most coins of Elymais are bronze, but early coins from the kingdom were often of good silver.)

Next, a bunch of bronzes picked from large piles. Top are four Kushan AE tetradrachms. The bottom has two square AE Indo-Greeks; the round coin on the bottom seems to be Indo-Parthian.

I also picked up a few cheap moderns. I got a couple of Canadian large cents as part of my super-secret side project, plus a large (37 mm) 10 tornesi from the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies that I had to get just for its heft. I picked up a few coins in a pick bin for $3 each: A British East Africa with hole in the middle, late Chinese Imperial struck 10 cash, a Canadian token from Prince Edward Island, and what seems to be invasion money for occupied Poland in WWI:

My last purchase of the day was a book from Charles Davis numismatic booksellers, DeMorgan's classic Manual de Numismatique Orientale. Here's the title page and a sample of the inside showing discussion of the coins of Queen Boran:
That's what I saw and bought at the Fall 2022 Baltimore Whitman show. Please post your own recaps and photos of the show, or any other comments or related stuff you want to.

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Congratulations on your haul. Allen Berman was on my list at the last NYINC, but I never got to him. I always enjoy looking at Charles Davis's stock of books in person. More fun than online!

Edited by DonnaML
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