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an Aspendos slinger & a Datames obol


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PAMPHYLIA. Aspendos. Circa 420-410 BC. Stater (Silver, 24 mm, 10.87 g, ). Two wrestlers beginning to grapple with each other. Rev. ΕΣΤFΕ Slinger striding right, preparing to launch sling-bolt; to right, triskeles counterclockwise; all within pelleted square border. SNG BN 45. Tekin Series A




CILICIA. Tarsos. Time of Pharnabazos and Datames, circa 384-361/0 BC. Obol (Silver, 10 mm, 0.56 g, ). Diademed female head (Aphrodite?) to right. Rev. Tarkumuwa ( = Datames in Aramaic) Bearded male head (Ares?) to right, wearing crested Attic helmet. Casabonne Series 1, pl. 3, 22. Göktürk 25. SNG BN 278-81. SNG Levante 82


Both are more attractive in person, especially the tiny obol.  Being so small, it's difficult to photograph.

When was the silver obol phased out? It just seems too small to be practical.  Wouldn't a larger AE be preferable, like they used later?

I wonder what the horseshoe shaped gash behind the slinger is?  An unusual test punch? I purchased this one for the fairly clear slinger.

I'm very pleased with the coins and the fast service, but I don't know if I want to order from Savoca again.  Good ol' FedEx just dumped it on the doorstep again.  So much for delivery manager. It's not like it's some hideously hard thing for them to do.

Feel free to share any Aspendos from before Alexander or ditto any Tarsos.







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Here is one with a countermark that looks like a helmet.

Pamphylia. Aspendos, circa 380-325 BC. AR Stater (23mm, 10.46g, 6h). Obv: Two wrestlers grappling; TN (N retrograde) between. Rev: EΣΤFEΔΙΙΥΣ; slinger to right; triskeles in field. Ref: SNG Cop 237; BMC 41v. About Very Fine, deeply toned, some porosity. Helmet counterstamp on reverse.


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Nice examples @Nerosmyfavorite68. The Wrestlers of Aspendos are really cool. Mine is dated near 380 BC.


AR Stater, Aspendos mint, struck ca. 380-325 BC
Dia.: 22.1 mm
Wt.: 10.62 g
Obv.: Two wrestlers; the left one holds the left arm of his opponent with both hands, the opponent grasping with right hand his right wrist; no control in between legs.
Rev.: Slinger, wearing short chiton, discharging sling to right; Π in between legs; on right, triskeles to right, EΣTFEΔIIVΣ behind, all within dotted square; c/m: wolf running left in rectangular incuse.
Ref.: BMC 52; SNG Copenhagen 214; Tekin Series 4
Ex Harlan J. Berk (private sale Sept. 21, 2015 with tag); Ex zumbly Collection; Ex Minotaur Coins

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We all look for different things in coins.  I prefer this series to have countermarks and more active poses between the wrestlers.  My favorite has a very ordinary pose with the two holding arms but it has an excellent strike of the bull countermark labeled Luy (Aramaic for Ba'al).  The countermark shows a line across the bull from the border of dots of the main design.  Doe this detract or add technical interest? 


The second has a slightly more active pose with one wrestler grabbing the belt of the other. It rather looks like one is being punched in the stomach. It has two countermarks, a rather ordinary triskles and a decent Janiform head.


I do not have one where one wrestler is trying to trip the other with outstretched leg.  They tend to sell over my price point.  Most people only seem to care for condition and countermarks do tend flatten detail on the opposite side.  There is also the matter of centering.  Neither of mine score very high in that respect.  

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Nice examples of this type !!!

My example:


Aspendos, Pamphylia
Stater, 420-370 BC
Obv.: Two wrestlers grappling, AK in-between
Rev.: EΣTFEΔIIYΣ, slinger in throwing stance right, in right field triskeles, all within square dotted border
Ag, 10.93g, 23mm
Ref.: SNG France 84, Aulock4561

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My Aspendos example (I don't have a Datames coin) is modest but I was very glad to get it. The wrestlers side is, unfortunately, poorly centered and from a worn die, but the reverse countermark is interesting (not that I have a clue what it is)


Pamphylia, Aspendos, ca. 415/10-400 BC, AR Stater

Obv: Two wrestlers grappling within a dotted border / Rev: Slinger discharging sling right, triskeles in right field, ethnic EΣTEE to left, all within incuse square. Countermarked.

Tekin Series B; SNG Aul. 4525; SNG BN 45ff

21 mm, 10,90 g


I am very disappointed to read about another FedEx blooper. I was happy with their performance until this spring when they started to deliver with big delays. Not an isolated case as it happened with each and every delivery (I know the OP situation is different but still indicates bad service).
When I signaled to Savoca that FedEx service is  slower than normal post, they assured me things will be rectified soon. It didn't happen. So until I hear things are moving in the right direction, no more houses delivering with FedEx for me.

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Yes, it's only due to living in a quiet neighborhood that the packages went undisturbed.  And like I stated before, what if it's rainy or like yesterday, really windy? 

And with Delivery Manager, they allow one so few characters to give special instructions.  Mine weren't at all out of their way, by the way.

The out-for-delivery FedEx email did give me the option of having it dropped off at Walgreen's or another place. 

DHL Express: more expensive, but they only disobeyed the (same) instructions once.

Neither the cost ($21) nor the speed are big problems. It's the dumping at the door part.  Deutsche Post is the pits (slowwwww) but I'd rather have that.  The cost isn't appreciably more than London Ancient Coins c. $15 regular post.

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It pretty much depends on where you live. And the courier's work ethic. (I mean delays and unprofessional couriers). 

For me FedEx have started to deliver at a snail speed since this spring. I wrote this before. The couriers never come to my door, but they phone me when they arrive in front of the building (apartments block). Leaving it in front of the building is not an option (not that in your case they have any excuse). 

DHL Express is unbelievably fast. Last experience - they collected the package on Tuesday at 16.30 and it was delivered to me on Thursday at 12-12.30. Fantastic, especially since I do not live in the capital city of my country (international packages arrive there first and stay overnight). The auction house forgot to add my phone number on the package. But the courier entered the block and rang my doorbell. Very good customer experience. 

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On 10/18/2022 at 3:27 AM, ambr0zie said:

I am very disappointed to read about another FedEx blooper. I was happy with their performance until this spring when they started to deliver with big delays. Not an isolated case as it happened with each and every delivery (I know the OP situation is different but still indicates bad service).
When I signaled to Savoca that FedEx service is  slower than normal post, they assured me things will be rectified soon. It didn't happen. So until I hear things are moving in the right direction, no more houses delivering with FedEx for me.

Well, I have had nothing but excellent experiences with FedEx and Savoca. For example, I got a coin FedEx today, Wednesday, in Oregon after winning it Sunday from Savoca in Germany.  That's remarkable. 

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3 hours ago, Valentinian said:

Well, I have had nothing but excellent experiences with FedEx and Savoca. For example, I got a coin FedEx today, Wednesday, in Oregon after winning it Sunday from Savoca in Germany.  That's remarkable. 

I have no problem with the speed; I ordered the coins in question on Wednesday and they arrived on Monday.  They're putting my package in peril by plopping it by the front door, and totally ignoring a reasonable request (via Fedex's delivery manager app) of where to put it.  I'd MUCh rather even have the Captain Slows of Deutsche Post send it (takes a month).


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My Aspendos stater, which I bought from HJB last year (see video link below). It's just an ordinary wrestlers' pose, and has no countermark (I wouldn't mind if it did), but it was still one of my very favorite purchases from 2021.

Aspendos, Pamphylia, Asia Minor, AR Stater ca. 380/75-330/25 BCE (Tekin, 4th Series). Obv. Two standing wrestlers, naked, grappling with legs spread apart and heads touching; wrestler on left grasps his opponent’s left wrist with his right hand, and left elbow with his left hand; wrestler on right grasps his opponent’s left arm with his right hand; letters “KI” [for name of minting magistrate] in field between wrestlers, below knee level / Rev. Slinger wearing short chiton, standing with trunk in facing position, head and legs in profile facing right, legs held straight with feet apart, left arm extended forward holding sling with left thumb, right arm drawing sling back with elbow bent; triskeles in right field with legs running left; ΕΣΤϜΕΔΙΙΥΣ [adjectival form of city name Estwediius in Pamphylian dialect of Ancient Greek] upwards behind slinger; all contained within square dotted border. SNG Copenhagen 226 [Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, Copenhagen, The Royal Collection of Coins and Medals, Danish National Museum, Part 31, Lycia, Pamphylia (Copenhagen 1955)]; SNG Von Aulock II 4557 [Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, Deutschland, Sammlung Hans Von Aulock, Vol. 2: Caria, Lydia, Phrygia, Lycia, Pamphylia  (Berlin 1962)];.BMC 19 Lycia 45-46 [both with initials “KI” on obv.] [Hill, G.F. A Catalogue of Greek Coins in the British Museum, Lycia, Pamphylia, and Pisidia (London, 1897) at p. 99]; Sear GCV Vol. II 5397 (obv. var. -- diff. magistrate’s initials) [Sear, David, Greek Coins and their Values, Vol. II, Asia & Africa (Seaby 1979) at p. 491], 26 mm., 10.96 g. Purchased from Harlan J. Berk, Ltd., 217th Buy or Bid Sale, 17 Sep. 2021, Lot 132; ex. Spina Collection, purchased by Dr. Spina from Harlan J. Berk, Ltd. on 7 March 2001 at coin show in Baltimore, MD.  [Footnotes omitted.]


Link to video of coin: https://vimeo.com/592330186.

Regarding Fedex, I live in an apartment building in Manhattan, and have had no problems of late getting packages from Europe. To the contrary, my recent purchase from Gorny & Mosch in Munich was sent out by Fedex on Tuesday Oct. 25, and was left at my apartment door (as I instructed) during the afternoon of Wed. Oct. 26, the very next day -- one day before it was scheduled to arrive. It's actually a good thing that I instructed Fedex to leave the package at the door to my apartment, because I was out at the dentist when it arrived and would not have been able to sign for it. 


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FedEx sure knows how to put me in a 10/10 rage! I ordered a coin of a rare emperor a day later than normal to AVOID useless Halloween (love the holiday, HATE the trick or treat), but naturally these jerks give me an email with delivery estimate of Monday!  Isn't that great?  The last one was delayed a day, and was ordered a day earlier.

I ordered it Thursday, thinking it wouldn't arrive til at least Tuesday.

I'm in the delivery manager, but naturally they make it as hard as possible to find the part where to put the package.  I think part of the problem are the drop down menus it says where to put the package, front door, etc. They don't have other, naturally.  The only place to put instructions (a ridiculously tiny # of characters, it must be about 40 or 50 is the 'help us find your location' box.  FedEx is just the pits.  I suspect the delivery drivers don't even see the 'help us find' instructions.

Ok, I think this really is my last Savoca order for a while.  I had intended the previous one to be, but naturally a long-time want popped up.

People from Savoca must read this forum.  WHY do you use such a lousy shipper?! I otherwise am delighted with your store. The $20-something shipping isn't that bad, for it's fast. Or, you could add, I don't know, SIGNATURE to the FedEx package.  That would delay things up to a week, but at least I could tell them tobring it Saturday.  Savoca prices are good, I enjoy their Greek selection (and I don't normally buy Greek coins all that often), etc.  Just adding a second option, post, would solve the problem. I'd happily wait the month, waiting for the developed world's slowest shipper, Deutsche Post.

London Ancient coins offers options.  I take the post option, 90% of the time. 

I don't even have a dedicated postman currently, as they annoyingly switch up every few years.  HOwever,my postman from a few times ago, who was one of the fill-ins, kindlyput a dymo in my mailbox, telling future postmen where to put the package.

I hear one can leave it at Walgreens, but that's probably a great way never to see it again.  I don't trust my local Walgreens for anything, yet alone a package.

I texted my neighbor to rescue my package.

This is just frustrating.  It's bad enough that they dump packages at the door,but on Halloween night?!

DHL Express offers for it to be delivered to a neighbor (me), and that's how I found the workaround to put in the instructions.  They obeyed the very simple and effortless instructions 85% of the time. DHL Express costs approximately twice the price (38 vs. 21), but at least I'm relatively comfortable with them.

update; I think I may have found a way within their primitive delivery manager to delay delivery.  I turned on the vacation hold for a certain time. Let's see if that works.

Fast isn't always good.  If it disappears after it's arrived,that's a giant fail.  At least FedEx is consistent; they never fail to frustrate and enrage me.

The post office is kind of slow, but they make up for it with convenient delivery options, and it's generally the same postman, so that means one can ask them to do so and so.



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My specimen, which I consider one of my best coins. The wrestlers' pose is once again nothing out of ordinary but they are beautifully modeled and the coin has a very nice toning.

Aspendos. Silver stater, ca. 380/75-330/25 BC. Obv. Two wrestlers beginning to grapple with each other; between them, ΚF. Rev. ΕΣΤFΕΔΙΙΣ. Slinger striding right, preparing to launch sling-bolt; to right, triskeles to right. BMC 44; SNG v. Aulock 4544 var.; SNG Cop 217; SNG France 102.





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