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THESSALIA, Magistrat Tima(...), ca. 150-100 BC

Obv : Laureated Head of  Apollon  right

Rev : Athena Itonia standing right with spear and shield

SNG Cop 312, BCD (2012) 899.4-6.; 5,58 gr ; 17,80 mm



Magnesia ad Maeandrum, civic issue, 350-200 BC. Magistrate Danaos

Obv : Horseman riding right, holding spear

Rev : MAΓN ΔANAOΣ above and beneath bull butting left.

Klein 411 (this coin); Waddington 1728; 16,34 mm; 3,23 gr



Ionia, Leukai, c. 380-360 BC., Herakleion, magistrate

Obv : Laureate head of Apollo left

Rev : Swan standing left with open wings

Cf. Kinns, Leukai 19; SNG Copenhagen ; Æ 12,14mm, 1.37gr.



Apameia, Phrygia AE20. ca 133-48 BC. Magistrate Kukos. Bust of Athena right in crested helmet /

AΠAME KΩKOY above and beneath eagle alighting right on maeander pattern between two pilei stars in

lower centre and upper right.

SNG von Aulock 3466-3467; Walcher 2746; SNG Munich 114; SNG Cop 161-162; BMC 78-82; Hunter 7



Mysia., AE, Pergamon. ca. 200-133 B.C.

Head of Athena right wearing crested Corinthian-style helmet.

ΑΘΗΝΑΣ - ΝΙΚΗΦΟΡΟΥ, legend vertically downwards to right and left of tropaion.

SNG BN Paris 1875; SNG Tübingen 2426.; 7,03 gr ; 18,38 mm



BADUILA, a.d. 541-549

Obv : Bust of Anastasius right, beardless, wearing- diadem and drapery

Rev :(monogram of Baduila) within wreath ; above monogram, small cross.

Warwick Wroth : Coins of the Ostrogoth p.89 nr 24; Ticinum; 0,72 gr ; 9,57 mm



Gelimer, AD 530 – 533

Obv : Diademed and cuirassed bust right, wearing paludamentum

Rev : monogram of Gelimer within wreat

Warwick Wroth : Coins of the Vandals nr 4; Æ Nummus; 9 mm, 0,83 g


With head of Justinianus I

Obv : diademed head right, wearing drapery

Rev : Chi-Rho sign

Warwick Wroth : coins of the vandals p 36 nr 158;  0,30gr ; 8,62 mm



Justinianus AD 527 – 565

Obv : bust with diadem, cuirassed and paludamentum right

Rev : VOT XIIII in two lines in wreath

Warwick Wroth : Coins of the Vandals nr 91




Obv : IMP C GAL VAL MAXIMINVS P F AVG, laureate head right

Rev: SOLI INVICTO /*/B/SMN : Sol standing left, extending arm and holding head of Serapis

RIC VI 77b; Nicomedia; 20mm 4.41g

Edited by mc9
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I have cleaned it a little bit with distilled water, and it came out exellent.

Will take pictures next week and post them.

Have a nice new year.



Thank you, i love them to. But there are so many that are unknown.

Have a prosperous new year for you and yours.

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