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It's always such a production to give a gift via vcoins.  I went in and did it the old, clunky way of going into my profile and changing the address, while leaving mine as the first address.  That worked fine for the shipping address, but the other addy kept turning up as the billing address as well in checkout.

After a lot of frustration, I deleted his address, while still leaving mine.  Now the system complains about a lack of a shipping address.  It eventually let me put in one and my own as the billing info, but the whole thing was pretty difficult.

They could make it so much easier by having 'this is a gift' checkbox, and make a one-time address change.

I also emailed the dealer, per usual, to tell him about the change, especially when I plan on using him for my upcoming regular buy.  I went in and deleted the new address after the order went through.

I've never tried gifting on ma-coins.  I don't know if the procedure is any easier there.


Mine went as smooth as clockwork. Change delivery address, change billing address, coin in cart, paid by paypal, e-mail from dealer confirming payment. Only step left is for the coin to be delivered.

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Nice.  Mine went with a lot of  emptying the cart and starting over.  I'll have to remember to do it a different way than the old way.  Change shipping first.  That's probably what I was doing wrong, trying it the old way. 

And yours would probably be more complicated, especially if you were shipping to the U.S.

But it got done and I'm satisfied with the gift I picked out for my giftee.  That's what counts.  No FedEx involved ::classic_biggrin:  It takes 1.25-2 weeks, so it'll arrive in plenty of time.  I picked one of my favorite go-to dealers.

But, if they'd do the temporary change of address thing, it wouldn't be as hard to have an EU giftee, especially if I chose a European dealer. (Mine was domestic).

It's super easy on Amazon to send it somewhere else.

The recent "what is your collecting focus" thread also really helped...  That was fortunate timing.

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