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Alexander the Great, and other coins related to the election

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While I'm aware that there are some interesting Roman coins related to elections, I don't own any, so I thought I'd mention one of the first democratically elected Macedonian leaders.

Elections worked a bit differently back then. At the sudden death of Philip II, there were several eligible candidates. However, because border security and the defection of subject states were paramount, there was simply no time to setup polling locations and let the candidates give their speeches. Instead, a simplified approach was taken.

Everyone allied himself/herself behind the candidate they felt would do the job best. If you chose the wrong candidate, you were either tied across two trees that were then let go, placed on an oven, or simply stabbed to death. When these rules became known, it was obvious to all but a select few that Alexander son of Philip was the ideal choice as king, and the election was over quickly.

A few, such as Amyntas IV - son of Philip's brother Perdikkas III, didn't vote for Alexander in the initial roll call. During the second roll call, he and a few others were not present - and so Alexander was easily chosen as king.

Unfortunately, when he passed away things didn't progress as smoothly.


Alexander III ‘the Great’ AR Diobol
‘Amphipolis’, circa 336-323 BCE
Young head of Herakles to right, wearing lion skin headdress / ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ, two eagles standing facing one another on thunderbolt.
Price 155; HGC 3.1, 906. 1.32g, 11mm, 3h.



Alexander the Great
Tetradrachm AR 24 mm, 16.80 g, 7 h
Susa, struck under Koinos, circa 324-323 BCE.
Price 3829


Please show your election related coins!

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