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I visited a small local show at a nearby county fairgrounds last week. The blurb said there would be ancients, but I was skeptical, but with nothing else to do I went. There was one table with a few dozen ancients but nothing I was really interested in. But I hate leaving empty-handed so I bought this Ptolemaic bronze. It was cheap and I talked him down an additional ten bucks, and while it didn't really fill a need it did fill a hole as I didn't have a Ptolemy yet.

Obviously I knew it was pretty worn, but not knowing this series in advance I didn't realize most of the distinguishing marks were missing. And not having any references for these I was only able to use Sear for attribution. So if anyone can provide more information, date or mint or ?, I would be very appreciative. 

Ptolemaic Kingdom, Reign of Ptolemy II (Philadelphus)

285-246 BC
AE Diobol (25mm, 16.39g)
O: Laureate head of Zeus right.
R: Eagle with open wings standing left; shield to left, [I] between legs, ΠTOΛEMAIOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ around.
Sear 7779v

Thanks in advance,

~ Peter


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