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Link:  distyle temple



Roman Republic, C. Egnatius Cn.f. Cn.n. Maxsumus
75 BCE
AR denarius, 19 mm, 3.82 gm
Obv: bust of Cupid right, with bow and quiver over shoulder; behind, MAXSVMVS downwards
Rev: distyle temple with figures of draped Jupiter and Libertas standing facing within; C EGNATIVS CN F below, CN N upwards to right, control to left
Ref: Crawford 391/2; Sydenham 788
ex Andrew McCabe
ex Vecchi Auction 15, 15 June 1999, lot 738

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Link; Jupiter

Maximianus, AE radiate fraction. 295-299 AD. Cyzicus. IMP C M A MAXIMIANVS PF AVG, radiate, draped, cuirassed bust right / CONCORDIA MI-LITVM, Emperor standing right, receiving Victory on globe from Jupiter, standing left and holding sceptre. KΔ (Cyzicus, 4th oficina) in lower centre. 2.74g, 24mm. RIC VI Cyzicus 16B.


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Link: Kyzikos



Valentinianus III
Æ-Nummus, Kyzikos
Obv: DN VALENTINIANO P F AVG, Bust of Valentinian, draped, cuirrased, right-
Rev: Victory advancing forward, holding wreath in both hands. SMKA
RIC X (theososius II), p. 274, 438, R3

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LInk: small coin from Cyzicus.

Gratian, AD 367-383.
Roman Æ half centenionalis.
Cyzicus, AD 383.
0.91 g, 14.2 mm, 11 h.
Obv: D N GRATIA-NVS P F AVG, diademed, draped and cuirassed bust, right.
Rev: VOT / XX / MVLT / XXX in four lines, all within wreath; SMKB in exergue.
Refs: RIC ix, p. 244, 22a; LRBC II, 2552; Cohen 77; RCV 20161.

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Link: Gratian.

Gratian, AR reduced Siliqua, AD 368-375, Trier Mint [Emperor in West, AD 367-383]. Obv. Pearl-diademed, draped, and cuirassed bust right, D N GRATIA-NVS P F AVG / Rev. Helmeted Roma seated left on throne, holding Victory on globe in right hand, and scepter in left hand, VRBS ROMA; in exergue, TRPS• (Trier Mint; PS = pvsvlatvm, struck from refined silver). RIC IX 27f(1) at p. 19, RSC V 86a, Sear RCV V 19964. 17 mm., 2.0 g. 


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Link: Roma holding Victory

Roman Empire
Trajan (AD 98-117)
AR Denarius, Rome mint, struck ca. AD 110
Dia.: 18 mm
Wt.: 3.46 g
Obv.: IMP TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P M TR P, Laureate bust right, slight drapery on far shoulder.
Rev.: COS V P P SPQR OPTIMO PRINC, Roma standing left, holding Victory and Spear
Ref.: RIC II 115 var., Woytek 287b
Ex Michael Higley (Spartan) Collection with tag, AMCC 1, lot 396 (Dec. 2018)

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Trajan AR Denarius, AD 108-109, Rome Mint. Obv. Laureate bust right, slight drapery on far shoulder, IMP TRAIANO AVG GER DAC PM TRP / Rev. Dacian captive, wearing peaked cap, standing left with hands bound in front of pile of arms, including round shield to right, and, to left, two curved swords, two spears, and an oblong shield; COS V PP SPQR OPTIMO PRINC around; in exergue, DAC CAP. RIC II 99, RSC II Trajan 121 (ill. p. 87), Sear RCV II 3137 (ill. p. 101). 3.04 g. Purchased from Emporium Hamburg, Auction 100, 15 Nov. 2022, Lot 356.


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Link: Dacian


Obv.: IMP TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P M TR P, laureate head right, drapery on far shoulder
Rev.: COS V P P SPQR OPTIMO PRINC, Dacian seated left in mourning, on pile of captured arms, DAC CAP in exergue
Ag, 3.44g, 18.5mm
Ref.: RIC 098

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Link: Captive(s)

Claudius II AE Antoninianus. Cyzicus mint, 268-270 AD. IMP CLAVDIVS P F AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right, (sometimes 1-3 dots beneath bust) / VICTOR GERMAN, two captives bound and seated back to back either side of trophy. RIC 247, Cohen 289. Weight: 3.29 gr.
Diameter: 19.1 mm.


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Link: Trophy

Sicily, Syracuse 
Agathokles (317-289 BC)
AR Tetradrachm, struck ca. 305-295 BC
(26 mm, 17.19 g)
Obv.: KOΡAΣ Head of Kore to right, wearing grain wreath and pendant earring.
Rev.: AΓAΘOKΛEIOΣ Nike, bare to the waist, standing right, attaching armor to trophy to her right, she holds a nail in her right hand and a hammer in her left; to left, triskeles of legs running to right. 
Ref.: Ierardi 143/141 (O38/R95). SNG ANS 674 (same obverse die). An unrecorded die combination; toned.
Ex Walter F. Stoecklin Collection, Amriswil (1888-1975†) with collector tag indicating it was acquired in Taormina, Sicily, in 1931, Obolos 8, lot 118 (December 2, 2018)

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Link: Nike


Philippus I.
Obv.: A K M IOV ΦIΛIΠΠOC EVC, Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right.
Rev.: LS, year 6 = AD 248/249, Nike advancing right with wreath and palm branch.
Billion, 12.1g, 22.4mm
Ref.: Geissen 2750

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Link: Nike


GREEK CILICIA, Elaioussa-Sebaste. (1st century BC). Æ 
O: Laureate head of Zeus right; ΘE behind.
R: EΛAIOYΣΣΙΩN; Nike advancing left, holding wreath; monogram above; EP to left
SNG France 1142; SNG Copenhagen 418

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Link: Clodius Albinus.

Clodius Albinus Caesar, AR Denarius 194 AD, Rome Mint. Obv. Bare head right, D CLOD SEPT ALBIN CAES / Rev. Minerva, helmeted, standing left, holding olive branch and spear, and resting hand upon shield to right, MINER PACIF COS II. RIC IV-1 7, RSC III 48, Sear RCV II 6144, BMCRE V 98. 17 mm., 2.72 g.


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Link: Minerva


L. Rubrius Dossenus
AR Denarius, 87 BC, Rome
Obv: Helmeted bust of Minerva right, wearing aegis; behind, DO[S].
Rev: Triumphal chariot with side panel decorated with eagle; above, Victory in chariot right (out of flan). In exergue, L RVBR[I].
Ag, 17.5mm, 4.07g
Ref.: Sydenham 707, Crawford 348/3.
Ex E.E. Clain-Stefanelli Collection


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Link: Minerva

Domitian, AD 83., AE23 of Caesaria Maritima, Judea. 10.88 gr. 23mm IMP DOMITIANVS CAES AVG GERMANICVS, laureate head left / No legend, Minerva standing left, holding shield and spear, placing helmet on trophy consisting of cuirass, two shields and spears, two crossed greaves at bottom. Hendin 1455, Meshorer TJC 392, RPC II 2305, SNG ANS 492-494.


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Domitian / Minerva

89 AD
AR Denarius (18mm, 3.07g)
O: Laureate head right; IMP CAES DOMIT AVG GERM P M TR [P VIII].
R: Minerva standing right, wielding javelin and holding shield; IMP XIX COS XIIII CENS P P P.
RSC 252 / RIC 137 / van Meter 39-3
ex Tom Cederlind

"There was a raven, strange to tell,
Perched upon Jove's own gable, whence
He tried to tell us 'All is well' -
But he had to use the future tense."

~ Suetonius (The Twelve Caesars)


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Link: Domitian.

Domitian Caesar (son of Vespasian), AR Denarius 76 AD, Rome Mint. Obv. Laureate head right, bearded, CAESAR AVG F • DOMITIANVS (Counter-clockwise beginning at 5:00) / Rev. Pegasus stepping right with left foreleg raised, wings curling to right, COS IIII above (with line above IIII to signify numerals) [Domitian COS IIII = AD 76; see table at Sear RCV I p. 308]. 19 mm., 3.43 g. RIC II.1 Vespasian 921 (2007 ed.), old RIC II 238 (1926 ed.), RSC II 47, Sear RCV I 2637 (ill. p. 485), BMCRE 193. Purchased from cgb.fr, March 2022.*


*See Sear RCV I 2637 at p. 485 fn.: “The reverse type is copied from the coinage of Augustus (see [RCV I] no. 1629).”

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Link: Pegasus.

Caligula, 37-41 CE.
Roman provincial Æ 20 mm, 6.74 g.
Peloponnese, Corinthia, Corinth, Ae. P. Vipsanius Agrippa and M. Bellius Proculus, duoviri, 37-38 CE.
Obv: C CAESAR AVGVSTV, bare head right.
Rev: M BELLIO PROCVLO IIVIR / COR, Pegasus flying right.
Refs: RPC I 1173; Amandry (1988) XVII; BCD Corinth 405-6.

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Another Pegasus.

Ionian Sea: Islands off Epeiros. Korkyra, under Roman rule. Circa 229-48 BC. AR Didrachm (21mm, 4,49g, 5h). Obv: Wreathed head of Dionysos right. Rev: Pegasus flying right, monograms below. Ref: HGC 6, 65; SNG Copenhagen (Epirus)  199; BMC Thessaly pg. 136, 356.


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Link: Dionysos


Lydia, Sardeis
AE 17, after 133 BC
Obv.: Wreathed head of young Dionysos right
Rev.: Wild animal (lion, panther or mythical creature) walking left, head facing, broken spear in mouth; ΣΑΡΔΙ/ΑΝΩΝ above, monogram below.
AE, 17 mm, 4.47g
Ref.: SNG Cop 464-465var, (monogram)

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Link:  lion with broken spear in mouth


THESSALY, The Oitaioi
167-146 BC.
AR Hemidrachm (15mm, 2.30 g, 1h)
Herakleia Trachinia mint
Obv: Lion’s head left, spear in its jaws
Rev: OITAI downward to right, ΩN downward to left, Herakles standing facing, holding club in both hands
Ref: Valassiadis 9; BCD Thessaly II 494 (same obverse die)
Ex Ardatirion (Bill Dalzell), March 2015
Ex BCD Collection (Classical Numismatic Group Electronic Auction 290), lot 57
Ex Peus 384 (2 November 2005), lot 199
Ex Vinchon (20 May 1959), lot 483
Ex M. Ratto 11 (16 May 1935), lot 239
Ex R. Ratto (4 April 1927), lot 1023
Ex Naville-Ars Classica V (18 June 1923), lot 1764

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LINK: Herakles


Thrace, Hadrianopolis. Caracalla. (AD 198-217). AE27(Tetrassarion?).
O: AYT K M AYP CE ANTΩNEINOC; Laureate, draped bust right.
R: AΔPIANOΠΟΛEITΩN; Herakles standing left, resting right hand on club set on bucranium; holding lion skin in his left hand.
Varbanov 3534; Moushmov 2654; Jurukova 301

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Link: Club.

Hadrian, AR Didrachm, 128-138 AD, Caesarea, Cappadocia Mint. Obv. Laureate head right, ΑΔΡΙΑΝΟϹ - ϹΕΒΑϹΤΟϹ/ Rev. Club, handle at top, ΥΠΑΤΟϹ Γ ΠΑ-ΤΗΡ ΠΑΤΡΙΔΟϹ [ΥΠΑΤΟϹ Γ = COS III, 128-138 AD; ΠΑΤΗΡ ΠΑΤΡΙΔΟϹ = Pater Patriae]. RPC [Roman Provincial Coinage] Vol. III 3109 (2015); RPC III Online at https://rpc.ashmus.ox.ac.uk/coins/3/3109 ; Sydenham 280 [E. Sydenham, The Coinage of Caesarea in Cappadocia (1933)]; Metcalf, Caesarea 280 [Metcalf, W.E., The Silver Coinage of Cappadocia, Vespasian-Commodus. ANSNNM (American Numismatic Society, Numismatic Notes & Monographs) No. 166 (New York 1996)]; SNG Von Aulock 6422 [Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, Deutschland, Sammlung Hans Von AulockVol. 3: Pisidia, Lycaonia, Cilicia, Galatia, Cappadocia, Cyprus, Imperial Cistophori, Posthumous Lysimachus, Alexander tetradrachms (Berlin, 1964)]; Ganschow 178d [Ganschow, T., Münzen von Kappadokien, Band 1 Konigreich und Kaisareia bis 192 n. Chr. (Istanbul 2018)]. 21 mm., 6.02 g. Double die match to CNG E-Auction 110, 16 Mar 2005, Lot 134. See https://rpc.ashmus.ox.ac.uk/coin/70825.


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