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Everything posted by Diplo41

  1. Sorry, I dot not mean to be rude with you. My apologies 🙂 For me, it is what it means.
  2. Of course... It can only be that, what could it be otherwise. Thank you for this solemnity.
  3. So you mean that they can answer if it is profitable for them? I am not sure to understand precisely.
  4. Well I guess you are right. But in the same time they have published a new sale on Biddr, sixbid, etc...
  5. Same here, I have ordered a book through MA Shop 3 weeks ago and paid the same day. I have asked a few days later to LAC about the shipment, if everything was ok, etc... and I never had an answer. I do not even know if they have sent the book. Even the MA shop support wrote to them with me in cc and 0 answers. So I am waiting... Strange way to deal witch customers imo.
  6. There is still quite an unreacheable gap between what they expect with AI and what we alreeady have in our souls and hearts.
  7. L'Etna mûrit toujours la pourpre et l'or du vin Dont l'Érigone antique enivra Théocrite ; Mais celles dont la grâce en ses vers fut écrite, Le poète aujourd'hui les chercherait en vain. Perdant la pureté de son profil divin, Tour à tour Aréthuse esclave et favorite A mêlé dans sa veine où le sang grec s'irrite La fureur sarrasine à l'orgueil angevin. Le temps passe. Tout meurt. Le marbre même s'use. Agrigente n'est plus qu'une ombre, et Syracuse Dort sous le bleu linceul de son ciel indulgent ; Et seul le dur métal que l'amour fit docile Garde encore en sa fleur, aux médailles d'argent, L'immortelle beauté des vierges de Sicile.
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